Monday, September 30, 2019

Practical lessons to deliver premier customer service under tough situations

Some of the practical lessons to deliver premier customer service include:-Effective communication. This is very essential in every business for it ensures understanding between the employer and the employees towards the customers in tough situations. The source of conflict and misunderstanding is inadequate communication in all set of organization. Communication enhances understanding of the concepts and ideas which is very crucial in how teamwork operates and in making of decisions.Listening ability and proving to the customers that you are listening is very crucial for it enhances proper understanding in the organization. Another lesson is practicing how to relate with customers by adding value to the customers and making sure proper information is conveyed to the right people (Woirhaye, 2006). One should be focused and have passion. The personality of selective service should be eliminated in the business for it leads to downfall that supports negative culture.The ability to hand le customer complainants is of utmost importance for they often rise in every organization. One should be very careful for the things one say to the complaining customer for it can lead to relationship building or relationship salvaging and this affects business directly. Anger management is another practical lesson that employer and the employee should learn in order to deliver premier customer service. While dealing with difficult clients in tough situations, it is important to stay calm even when the customer results to insults.When faced with this situation, it is important to stay calm and think carefully before you say anything. This is because anger can lead to one saying things to the customer that can lead to regretting later. The employer and the employees should not expect the behavior of the customers to be exactly as they (employer and employees) behave. When faced with a difficult customer, it is important to lighten up and use humor. This helps in releasing the tensio n (Customer Service Zone, 2010).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Comment on the Three Conditions on Market Efficiency

An efficient capital market is one in which stock prices fully reflect available information. Professor Andrei Shleifer has suggested three conditions lead to market efficiency. (1)rationality, (2)independent deviations from rationality, and (3)arbitrage. This essay will examine investors’ behavioral biases and then discuss the behavioral and empirical challenges to market efficiency. In the attached article, James Montier suggested three behavioral biases that investors had. (1) illusion of control, (2)self-attribution, and (3)over-confident. Illusion of control means people fell they are in control of a situation far more than they are.Self-attribution means good outcomes are contributed to their skill while bad outcomes are contributed to external, such as back luck. These two biases lead people to be over-optimistic and exaggerate their own abilities. People are always over-confident as well. They always think they are smarter and have better information than they actually do. These three behavioral biases form a potential combination and lead investors to overestimate their ability and knowledge and understate the risks. In reality, there are some other behavioral biases. Investors usually prefer to put their money into a company that they know or familiar with.This is known as familiarity bias. They will invest heavily in the company they work for. They will also allocate a larger fraction of their investments to domestic stock even though it is easier to diversify investments across geographies. In addition, people tend to perceive probabilities and resonate with their own pre-existing ideas even though the conclusions drawn are statistically invalid. And this is called representativeness. The next bias exists in reality is conservatism, it means that people are too slow in adjusting their beliefs to new information.They clings to prior views or forecasts at the expense of acknowledging new information. The last bias I want to mention is herd beha vior. This is a tendency for individuals to mimic the actions(rational or irrational) of a larger group. It may comes from social pressure of conformity and/or believing the larger group knows something that they don’t. Most of the above-mentioned behavioral biases contradict Professor Andrei Shleifer’s three conditions for market efficiency. One of the conditions he suggested was rational.People will adjust their estimates of stock prices in a rational way after new information is released in the marketplace. Are people really rational? Not always. People will exert familiarity bias. They will be too favor the investments in companies they are familiar with. Tendency by investors to invest in domestic stock or the companies they work for. They do not achieve the degree of diversification that they can easily achieve. Others are over-confident and over-optimistic to believe they can pick winners and losers when, in fact, they cannot; this leads them to trade too much, generating both commissions and taxes.The behavioral view is that not all investors are irrational. Rather, it is some, perhaps many, investors are. Independent deviation from rationality was the second condition for market efficiency suggested by Andrei Shleifer. However, psychologists have long argued that people deviate from rationality in accordance with a number of basic principles. Some of them can apply to finance and market efficiency. One of the most examples in recent memory would be the bursting of the internet bubble. The behavior bias, representativeness can be used to explain this phenomenal.People perceive their pre-existing idea and draw conclusions from insufficient data. They saw a short history of high revenue growth and extrapolate that it will continue forever. Another behavior bias to explain internet bubble is herd behavior. Investors face pressure of conformity and trust large group irrationally. Result into a tendency for individuals to mimic the actions of a larger group that contributed to Internet bubble as well. Another behavior bias contradict independent deviations from rationality is conservatism. People are too slow in adjusting their beliefs to new information.In 2005, Kolasinski and Li have done a research by ranking companies by the extent of their earnings surprise. They found that prices adjust slowly to the earning announcements with the portfolio with the positive surprises outperforming the portfolio with the negative surprises. Behavioral finance suggests that investors exhibit conservatism. Professor Andrei Shleifer suggests that domination of rational professional will carry the stock meet its efficient prices by simultaneous purchasing and selling of misprice stock. However, in a world of many irrational amateurs and a few professionals, prices would not adjust to correct level.The risk of further mispricing may reduce the size of arbitrage strategies. In 1907, Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell Transport merge interes t and split the cash flow in a 60/40 basis. However, empirical finding shows that two parties have rarely traded at parity (60/40) over the 1962 to 2004 period. Deviation from parity could increase in the short run, implying losses for the arbitrageur. There are also a numbers of empirical challenges to market efficiency. The common features among those empirical studies were all in an international basis.A number of studies of relationship between the return and its market capitalizations have been replicated over different periods and in different countries. They found that return on small stocks was quite a bit higher than the average return on large stocks. It may be not all but merely a compensation for the extra risk. In 1998, Fama and French found the average return on value stocks was above the average return on growth stocks in 12 to 13 major international stock markets. The return difference is so large and these ratios can be obtained so easily.The results constitute stro ng evidence against market efficiency. Security prices sometimes move wildly above their true values and eventually fall back to original level. The crashes and bubbles of Internet stock in late 1990 consistent with this bubble theory and constitute evidence against market efficiency. Size, value versus growth, crashes and bubbles were all found in international stock market. And those behavioral biases studies were carried around the world. Therefore, we may expect those behavioral and empirical challenges discussed above may hold in all counties or market setting.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Market-based or Government control Issues surrounding ObamaCare Research Paper

Market-based or Government control Issues surrounding ObamaCare - Research Paper Example Critics labeled PPACA as ?bamaCareto differentiate it from other alternative solutions to America's diverse healthcare problems, such as a fully nationalized healthcare system and improving the current market-based healthcare system (Shi & Singh, 2007, p.ix). This paper seeks to explore the issues surrounding PPACA. A number of authors argued against PPCA, because they assert that it is a socialist intervention that does not fit the market-run socio-economic model of modern society and it is a costly and unconstitutional infringement on individual choices and corporate rights. ObamaCare is fundamentally socialist and does not fit into the market-run socio-economic model of modern society. Williamson (2011) described PPACA as ?ocialist,because it is based on a ?entral planning model,with socialist features of ?ncome-redistribution, economic leveling, the co-opting and nationalization of private enterprises, and the elevation of an elite planning class(p.237). He did not believe that a socialist model can resolve the underlying issues of high medical and insurance costs in the nation, and for him, it will only replicate the 1970s British healthcare issues of poor implementation and poor results. Sultz and Young (2008) highlighted the characteristics of American healthcare that evade an effective socialization process. First, the healthcare system is too large to be managed by the state alone: ?he U.S. health care system is the world's eight largest economy, second to that of France, and is larger than the total economy of Italy(p.xvii). Second, the healthcare system is too complex, because of its labor-intensive levels and the changing, varied roles of healthcare professionals and employees who interact with evolving medical technology and patient preferences (Sultz & Young, 2008, p.xvii). Sultz and Young (2008) argued that the size and complexity of the American healthcare system shaped problems of limited health care access, inconsistent quality, and increasing costs (p.xviii).They stressed that nowadays, the system is more driven by the market than state policies, which only reflects underlying socio-economic paradigms, and so a socialist response to it will not be effective. Shi and Singh (2007) even described the healthcare system as not a system, because it is enormously fragmented. It is ?ragmented because different people obtain health care through different means(p.2). Since it is not even a system, a socialist system will also not work to improve access to it, as well as reduce costs and inequalities. Several sources asserted that Obamacare will not resolve the American healthcare system's weaknesses, because it takes away individual choices through strong government interventions. Atlas (2010) argued that ObamaCare is flawed, because it predominantly eliminates individual choices by enforcing state control. He stressed that ?bamaCare... audaciously [imposes] a strong-armed federal government onto perhaps the most personal of all segments of American life(p.2). He believed that ObamaCare will only reduce individual choices and he hinted that this may have an impact on the ?uperior medical carethat Americans can access now (p.2). Shi and Singh (2007) also did not agree with ObamaCare, because it manifests the growing government control over people's lives. They stressed that around fifty percent of the American public opposed ObamaCare, becaus

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assessment and Diagnosis of Venous Leg Ulcer Essay - 2

Assessment and Diagnosis of Venous Leg Ulcer - Essay Example It is thus important to adopt a good follow up plan to facilitate such an obligation. In order to attain this, all stakeholders ought to cooperate at length to facilitate a turnaround. The report is based on a scenario where an 80-year-old is infected with a leg ulcer disease at her lower limp; it comes to our attention that this wasn’t the last time she was exposed to such a disease but had on previous occasions had some success stories which spanned within a period of about three years in counting. While addressing her current condition a number of considerations had to be made while aiming at providing accurate treatment. This is as highlighted below; In the event of being infected with a leg ulcer disease, one ought to go to a qualified medical physician for help. This is due to its ability to affect one's health and could as well go out of hand. While carrying out the diagnosis not all physicians qualify; such assessment can only be carried out by those trained in ulcer management. As a result of a regular encounter with similar cases, some are likely to prescribe the best treatment for this disease. The report, however, tends to look at the necessary procedures to be followed while treating a patient with such a disease. Assessment phase helps while checking on how bad the disease could have gone out of hand thus prescribing the best kind of treatment. While the patient could be portraying certain symptoms such features ought to be compared to those already captured pertain the same disease. This is due to it likely to be related thus could as well help in ensuring a good approach is put to task other than employing trial and e rror method (Sussman & Bates-Jensen, 2007). It is at the Doppler stage that the findings are analyzed at length while checking on how critical the condition could have gone. Several questions are likely to be asked as highlighted.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Renewable Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Renewable Energy - Essay Example le published in How to Power the World, â€Å"the waste products of nuclear power contain â€Å"high levels of radioactive (materials which) is very dangerous. It lasts for tens of thousands of years before decaying to safe levels. It is highly radioactive and is probably the biggest hurdle we face if nuclear power is going to be taken seriously† (How to Power the World 2010). Nuclear energy has great potentials to augment sources of energy in the future. It use, however, should be further evaluated in terms its long term effect to the environment and the risks it poses to the existence of mankind. Another article entitled An Ocean Breeze: Mapping Brazil’s Offshore Wind Power Potential written by Riebeek (2009) proffered his experience on â€Å"assessing the feasibility of an offshore wind farm southeast of Brazil† (Riebeek, 2009, par. 1). His project entailed measuring wind speeds using Nasa’s QuikScat. The limitations of using this approach coupled with other challenges including the number of turbines that must be built in their projected location showed that although this source of renewable energy is viable in Brazil, there are other factors that need to be seriously evaluated prior to its implementation. The high investment cost proved to be a barrier for implementation as private or public organizations need to examine if the returns on investment would justify the initial funds needed to support and sustain this energy source. among all of its potential applications, hydrogens only waste or byproduct is H 2 O pure water, hydrogen fueled combustion engines actually clean the air they pass through (Alternative Energy, n.d., par. 3) it is costly to produce, dangerous to store, difficult to transport, tricky to distribute and its volumetric energy intensity is much lower than that of other liquid fuels like ethanol or gasoline. Safety would be another problem and it would be an enormous job, and would take many years, to accomplish the logistics and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cultural and Critical Perspectives of Rock-N-Roll Essay

Cultural and Critical Perspectives of Rock-N-Roll - Essay Example These mediums of expressions have in fact acted as a form of self realization, expression of resentment and extreme grievances meted out to these societies. Rock and Roll was highly influenced by its African origin and prevalent racial discrimination of blacks in America at the time. Though soul music and the early Rock and Roll music artists were popular and enjoyed by a large section of the African American community, it faced a grueling political apathy and hatred of so called civilized grown-up Americans. This hatred was often reflected in the early Rock and Roll music and it resurfaces even today in various performances though subtlety has taken precedents. This paper will explore the evolution of Rock and Rolls genre from the time of Blues or Rhythms and Blues and analyze how established record and broadcasting industry, the rise of rhythm and blues music and subsequently Rock and Roll were affected by racial indifferences of the society of that time. The paper will also discuss the various artists and piece of musical works that shaped Rock and Roll during the early 1950s and how they have shaped today's Rock and Roll. The fact that rock 'n' roll has its roots in a long slavery systems make it mandatory to know what slavery system was and how it could have been an origin of a popular music genre for understanding the impact of racism. Slavery system had left a generation of Africans who were not aware of their origin and even did not know much about American culture. The origin of Rock and Roll from slavery provides insight in the charm of the genre. Rock and roll is an African-American hybrid. It represents the transition or a desire of transition from the very suffering, and fight of survival out of generations of servitude to freedom of expression and soul as flouted by American white society. Rhythms of genre, use of extraordinary vocals and claps as a part of music, that indicate a strong linkage to African culture, provide a distinctive identity to Rock and Roll. Though the Rock and Roll can be culturally linked back to slavery, it adds a lot of elements local white American music. White America slowly discovered the endearing, inspiring musical heritage that had become central to African Americans' lives, and, establishing a tradition that is practiced to this day, began to imitate and adapt black music (Townsend, 1997). Origin of Rock and Roll is generally traced back to late 1940s and early 1950s. It has assimilated Blues, Country music, R&B, Folk music, and Gospel music styles of that time. Though the term Rock and Roll was first coined by Alan Freed in 1951 to describe a mixer of both black and white music, a similar kind of music style was already present in 1920s and 30's music form used by African community in America, which was generally categorized as race music or black music. The creation of first true Rock and Roll song is attributed to Joe Turner, a black blues artist, who sang, "Shake, Rattle, and Roll". Racial Discrimination During the heights of racial discrimination radio stations refused to play music by a black singers and parents advised their Childs not to listen this music. Schools were teaching the students against the evils of black music. One of the most important social teachings during the time was that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Old Testament Book of Jeremiah Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Old Testament Book of Jeremiah - Research Paper Example The prophetic ministry of Jeremiah began in 626 B.C and finished at around 586 B.C. Jeremiah’s ministry immediately preceded that of Zephaniah. Habakkuk was a modern-day prophet, and that would include Obadiah. Even though Ezekiel began his ministry in Babylon in the year 593 B.C, he also was a delayed contemporary of the grand prophets in Jerusalem. How and when Jeremiah died is vaguely known; Jewish custom, however, asserts that whilst existing in Egypt he was murdered by being stoned.   In the case of Jeremiah, God was critical. Jeremiah’s divinity conceived the Lord God as Creator of all that exists as almighty, as ever-present. Jeremiah attributed a large number of superior qualities to the God he served (King, 1993). Thus, describing God as the Lord not only of Judah but also of the world. At the same time, God is extremely alarmed about the people and their responsibility to him. Jeremiah’s highlighting as to this regard is comparable to that of Ezekiel, the two men have become acknowledged as the â€Å"prophets of individual accountability.† The irrefutable connection involving sin and its penalty, so evident to Jeremiah will watch his adored Judah in her demise, led him to the search of his celestial vocation a blistering cleric of uprightness and his writings have lost none of their commands with the transitory of the centuries.   The book of Jeremiah names disasters and also reveals its form and mirrors it back to its listeners. It depicts the entirety of the devastation; it also talks of pain and bitter anguish, as it articulates the rawness of the world in which the remaining will unearth. It first describes disaster as a coming event, an onrushing assault upon Jerusalem, by means of the subliminal â€Å"foe from the north† (1:14; 4:6).   

Monday, September 23, 2019

An Analysis and Review of West Virginia's Governmental Fund Research Paper

An Analysis and Review of West Virginia's Governmental Fund - Research Paper Example However, the implementation of governmental programs and services depends primarily on the allocation of the fund to different sectors. On the other hand, the preparation of its financial statements is in accordance to the â€Å"generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)† in the U.S (â€Å"Audited Financial Statements,† 2007, p. 15). While the necessities and nature of activities from various agencies differ, so does fund allotment, must conform to the purposes it intends to provide. According to the 2007 West Virginia audited financial statements, the methods for reporting governmental fund are the â€Å"current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting† (â€Å"Audited Financial Statements,† 2007, p. 16). It is through these financial statements where â€Å"property taxes, franchise taxes, and interest† that accompanied the present â€Å"fiscal period† are acknowledged as the cash reserve for the period (â€Å"Audited Financial Statements,† 2007, p. 16). This essay seeks to analyze and review the financial statements and audit report of Kanawha County, West Virginia, using the general fund and all the other funds of the government. II. Method of Accounting The government reports the fund in three categories. First, the governmental fund, which includes the general fund and the capital-project fund, integrates the current financial resources management and a modified accrual basis of accounting, where it does not have depreciation expense and long-term debt. Second, the proprietary fund, which includes the entertainment and the internal service fund, utilizes the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting, where it requires a â€Å"statement of net assets, statement of revenues, expenses, and cash flow statements.† Lastly, the fiduciary fund employs the economic resources focus and the accrual basis of accounting, where it may not have the provision to fund other programs as the government functions as the trustee (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2000, pp. 10-11). All these funds use the accrual method of accounting. Under the requirements of the â€Å"Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB),† the application of the accrual method is suitable to maintain a balanced set of account where the expenditures correspond to the finances in the conduct of governmental operations. This is particularly significant since the accrual basis provides a comprehensive detail in the â€Å"understanding of economic reality† especially in determining the consequences of budget allotment (Ball & Pflugrath, 2012, p. 7). III. Compliance of GASB Statement 34, and Evaluation of MD&A for State and Local Government GASB Statement 34 requires a complete accrual method, which aims to have long-term capital assets consisting of infrastructure. It also covers the Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) of the go vernment’s monetary operation in recognizing its entire economic status (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2000, p. 8). As for the case of Kanawha County, the challenge it poses for compliance with GASB Statement 34 will depend on the cost and duration of time before its complete implementation in the local government. Additionally, if this would manifest a genuine thrust for transparency and accountability, this would strengthen its audit reports and economic condition in terms of financing governmental and business-type

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Covey Principles Essay Example for Free

Covey Principles Essay In a society where everything is quick-fix and modeled after the fast food restaurant it is no surprise that corporate America faces the current dilemma of failing management and disinformation. Covey reminds us we must be willing to get personally involved with our job, life, family, and so on. This essay will discuss four principles needed not only in business but everyday life as well; Security, Guidance, Wisdom, and Power. Security does not mean what it used to twenty years ago. In times past, a hand shake could seal a business deal. Now, there are multiple copies of signed pages holding each party to their word. Also, a man was as good as his word in years gone by. Today it is more difficult to establish some level of trust enough to do business on a long term basis. Identity and personal integrity are just a couple of the issues that have to be proven to potential business partners. Identity plays such an important role in every day life that if we are not yet established as a person who knows themselves others will take notice. Not only is it difficult to perform in the business world, but the lack of this character trait can significantly hurt any personal relationship we hope to gain. There are various degrees of security which are, for the most part, dictated to us by the circumstance in life. However, being human, we have the ability to control how our integrity is substantiated. If we are careful when approaching this aspect of our daily lives we will soon be known as a person others can trust. This is security. Not just security for business prospects, but in the day to day grind of every-man-for-himself it will be the defining factor of all of our relationships. We can gain a great deal of insight on life if we develop a secure lifestyle. This mode of living guides us to the next principle of the four I mentioned above. The direction we receive in life is also a choice we make and comes from all the different forms of information that we allow to infiltrate our minds. It is inevitably this that shapes who we become. Covey recognizes this and offers a lot of practical insights for those who are brave enough to live life to its fullest. A person can live either on the low, middle, or the high end of this continuum. The low ultimately causes an individual to focus on themselves and what’s in it for them. Self-centered people are an example of this end of the continuum. Those focusing on traditions or human institutions are the result of the middle continuum. Then there are people who are inspired and inspire others to reach their potential in life. We choose the type of guidance we follow. Some may think that circumstance dictates their guidance, but it is impossible for anyone to be on a certain level of the continuum without consciously choosing to do so. We may not want to accept that as a truth, but the proof is easily seen by the manner of our lives. People who try to control the information shaping their lives are the people Covey calls wise. To have balance in life is to be able to see things as they really are and not to allow the facade of humanistic attitudes to dictate our life responses. Everything from inaccurate life maps to fuzzy principles will make fools of us all, and will be the source of all our frustrations. Judgment and comprehension can add a level of success in life that is measured not by income alone, but also by friends and family relationships. Things that might bring temporary pleasure are fleeting and the wise seek pleasure that is true joy. Joy gives an ability to adjust to life and recognize any power that we might possess. Power is only a good thing if coupled with wisdom and can be described as the authority with which we act. The best way to see if the power you exercise is truly helpful is to hear others’ opinions of you. While it is not recommended that you live your life or change any aspect of it by the things you hear, it can bring satisfaction or warning if rightly interpreted. People with power are demonstrative, yet not in an offensive manner. The true character of man is best told when he is alone. This is where the true power an individual possesses is recognized. These four principles; security, guidance, wisdom, and power, have given many people a large number of satisfying days at work and at home. I like to think they have influenced my life to enable me to make logical, sensible and wise choices knowing that these choices will determine my lot in life. At this venture of my life, though, it is wisdom that dictates where I go intellectually and helps me choose those things that are wholesome and right for me. Even with all the mistakes I make in life, wisdom continues to grow in me and helps guide future actions. References Covey, Stephen R. (October 1, 1992). Principle Centered Leadership. 1st edition. New York, NY: Fireside, imprint of Simon Schuster.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Christianity and Indigenous Communities Essay Example for Free

Christianity and Indigenous Communities Essay ?The question about Christianity and its full acceptance into Indigenous communities continues to linger on a fine line of whether Indigenous communities came to a consensus of compromising with the new religion or simply eradicating it by refusing to leave behind their traditional ways of believing and creating â€Å"spiritual† consciousness. Some scholars such as, Kevin Terraciano, in his chapter, â€Å"The People of Two Hearts and the One God from Castile,† argue that Christianity was not only rejected by acts of continuing Indigenous religious practices, but also mocked because it was thought to be a lie and inferior to the Indigenous people in Yanhuitlan and Coatlan; this new religion did not coincide with theirs . On the other hand, in her book, Biography of A Mexican Crucifx, Jennifer Hughes comes to conclude that Indigenous communities accepted Christianity through their own modes of seeing parallel paradigms of their life with the life of religious images such as the Cristo Aparecido from Totolapan. They came to see this image as a representation of their suffering , their colonial journey and their need for finding religious meaning in a newly evangelized land. In Terracianos, Two Peoples Heart, he subversively implies that Christianity was based on the idea that there had to exist some type of religious unity based on Catholicism. From this point, Indigenous population have been victims of racism, discrimination, disregard for their beliefs, uprooting and political marginalization. As Terraciano points out, in this process of â€Å"spiritual† conquest, domination can occur occur through methods of interrogation and punishment if found guilty, which was clearly the case during the Spanish Inquisition during the 16th century. Native lords were confronted both by friars, Dominicans and Spanish for their supposed allegiance to practicing â€Å"paganism,† and encouraging Indigenous communities to continue their reverence and offerings to their many â€Å"gods,† while on the surface make a menial space to pray to the â€Å"New God from Castile. † Terraciano explains how in order for Christianity to make itself dominant, the people of Yanhuitlan and Coatlan had to not only get rid of their ancestors images, burn them, but also force themselves to accept Christianity as their only â€Å"spiritual† choice. Nevertheless, Indigenous communities and to a great extent the native lords encouraged Indigenous communities to keep their faith intact . An example of this is given when, Don Fransciso, a native lord who was accused of â€Å"paganism, â€Å" and disruptive behavior stated that the people of Yanhuitlan were not to embrace Christianity, that their gods did not come from Castile, hence a result of this was the mockery of Yanhuitlan peoples both by verbal insults and gestures towards Native Christians, â€Å"There go the Christian Castile, the chickens,† (Terraciano, pg. 7) This shows us that the refusal to indoctrinate Christianity as part of a Yanhuitlan identity was obstruct by the continuing reinforcement that Indigenous communities e where reluctant to forgetting their ancient practices and beliefs. For instance when trialed, Don Francisco was asked if he knew any prayers in Latin, Castillan or Mixtec, he admitted that he knew two, but when asked to recite them, he said he could not remember them (Terraciano, 8). This once more reiterates through the examples given by Terraciano, that native lords saw Christianity as unimportant, they did not care to learn the way of Catholicism or become subservient to the â€Å"God of Castile. † â€Å"After mass, many nobles would drink pulque and joke around that they had not understood a word of the sermon† (Terraciano 8). Ultimately, with the â€Å"ambivalence† of Christianity also came the practice of certain ritual acts which often took place in small areas or carried out in a secluded place where the Indigenous people would be safe, as the lords began to denounce that their gods were angry and had brought upon drought and death to the Yanhuitlan community because some lords were weak enough to follow a â€Å"God† who could not save them from their hunger, even as he was called the almighty and powerful. In conclusion, what Terraciano delivers this idea of a power struggle that occurred within the communities of Yanhuitlan and Coatlan as to converting to Christianity and keeping their original religion as their primal way of religious consciousness and looking at Christianity with eyes of ambiguity and uselessness to their survival, both spiritual and physical. Nevertheless, for other scholars, their research has taken them to analyze the impacts of Christianity from a different perspective, one where both Christianity and Indigeneity mix, forming a culture of religious hybridism. As Jennifer Hughes states in her book, for the missionaries, Christianization in the â€Å"New World† was a genocide to all material of religious culture, it was a process of erasure, yet with this the Indigenous population was left with an spiritual emptiness, hence images such as the Cristo Aparecido became that fulfillement not only to their seek for religious authenticity, but also serving as some type of protective force against the legacy left by colonial conquest. For Hughes, the community of Tolopan accept this image of the Cristo Aparecido since the very beginning, to them

Friday, September 20, 2019

Silicon Carbide: Structure, Uses and History

Silicon Carbide: Structure, Uses and History 2.1 Silicon Carbide 2.1.1 Historic Overview Silicon carbide as a material that precedes our solar system, travelling through interstellar space for billions of years, generated inside the fiery nuclear hearts of carbon rich red giant stars and in the remnants of supernovae (Davis, 2011). As a synthesized material it was first discovered by the Swedish scientist Jà ¶ns Jacob Berzelius in 1824 during his pursuit to synthesize diamonds. Sixty years later, Eugene and Alfred Cowles, invented the electric smelting furnace in 1885 (Cowles and Cowles, 1885). Edward Goodrich Acheson based on Cowles invention, created the first process to produce SiC (silicon carbide) while experimenting to find an alternative suitable mineral to substitute diamond as an abrasive and cutting material. The synthetic mineral created by the process was characterized by great refractability and hardness (Saddow and Agarwal, 2004). During the production of SiC crystals, Acheson found hexagonal crystals inside his patented reactor and sent a sample to Profes sor B.W. Frazier were it was discovered that although the crystals were all made from the same substance their crystalline structure differed (Acheson, 1893, p.287). Later, in 1905 Henri Moissan discovered natural SiC crystal inside a meteorite thus the mineralogist community named the mineral moissanite (Saddow and Agarwal, 2004). In 1907, was the year were the first Light Emitting Diode (LED) was produced by H.J. Round, when by placing contacts on a SiC crystal and applying 10V, yellow, green and orange luminescence was observed at the cathode (Brezeanu, 2005). Decades later, a renewal of interest surrounding SiC emmerged when the seeded sublimation growth invented by Tairov and Tsvetkov (1978) made the creation of SiC wafers a reality, thus giving the material the opportunity to be studied for electronic applications. Three years later, Matsunami, Nishino and Ono (1981) showed that the creation of a single crystal of SiC on a Si substrate was feasible increasing the number and va riety of possible applications even more. A huge milestone occurred in 1987 when through the use of â€Å"step controlled epitaxy†, high quality epitaxy of SiC could be made at low temperature on off-axis substrates (Kuroda et al., 1987). Based on this breakthrough Cree Inc. was founded in 1989, and manufactured the first commercial blue LEDs based on SiC along with the production of SiC wafers. 2.2.2 Crystal structure polytypes and characteristics 4. Examples of applications of CDC (Carbide derived Carbon) The multiple nanostructures that CDC presents, makes it a strong candidate to be implemented in numerous potential applications. In their paper, Presser, Heon and Gogotsi (2011) delineate the major research fields for future applications that CDC is currently attracting. In particular, these fields are: (1) The creation of Graphene based electronic devices (2) CDC as a new electrode material for supercapacitors (3) The use of CDC in fuel cells as a gas storage (e.g. hydrogen, methane) (4) CDC application in tribological coatings (5) Pt catalyst on CDC support (6) Protein sorption using CDC . Apart from the aforementioned fields another application area under research is to use CDC for CDI (capacitive deionization) of water or for desalination. The following chapters will give an extensive view of the research done on these fields although the main focus is the . 4.1 Graphene based electronic devices In 2003, (Dimitrijev and Jamet) published a paper were they stated that â€Å"Although SiC offers substantial advantages over Si, in terms of physical properties and thermal stability, it cannot compete Si devices in the areas of low cost, functional density, and moderate temperature applications. However, SiC has created its own applications niche where its unique material properties high electric breakdown field, high thermal conductivity, and high saturated electron drift velocity give this material significant advantages†. Since then, major manufacturers of SiC wafers such as Cree Inc., broke the 500$ barrier per wafer and made SiC accessible for researchers and the industry for optoelectronic devices (EE-Times, 1999) along with the introduction of 150 mm 4H SiC wafer in 2012 (Cree Inc., 2012). The previous breakthroughs made SiC a cheap precursor for the growth of epitaxial graphene. Grapse gia to pos to ftiaxnoume apo to prohgoumeno kefalaio. The intermediate product o f Si sublimation from SiC is CDC were further process gives monolayer or multilayers of graphene. An application under research and a proposed manufacturing method, is the creation of flexible transparent electrodes for screens due to the flexibility, high electrical conductivity and strength of the material (Bae et al., 2010). Studies have shown that CDC is a powerful selective sorbent for a number of molecules due to the variety of sizes its porosity exhibits (Nikitin and Gogotsi, 2004, p. 533) and is suitable for applications such as the removal of toxins or cytokines from human blood (Yushin et al., 2006). Another field of application is the removal of toxic compounds from water or the capacitive deionization (CDI) of water. Particularly, according to (Zou et al., 2008) the ordered mesoporosity of CDC used as an electrode material for electrosorptive deionization is a more effective way of removing salt from water, when compared with the salt-removing capability of activated carbon. The explanation is that activated carbon materials contain randomly arranged mesopores and micropores were ordered mesoporous carbon contains predominately ordered mesopores that increase the capacity to desalinate water. Another example is the usage of CDC as catalyst supports for fuel cells (Jerome, 2005) References Acheson, E.G. (1893) Carborundum: Its history, manufacture and uses, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 136(4), pp. 279 289. Bae, S., Kim, H., Lee, Y., Xu, X., Park, J.S., Zheng, Y., Balakrishnan, J., Lei, T., Kim, H.R., Song, Y.I., Kim, Y.J., Kim, K.S., Ozyilmaz, B., Ahn, J.H., Hong, B.H. and Iijima, S. (2010) Roll-to-roll production of 30-inch graphene films for transparent electrodes, Nature nanotechnology, 5(8), pp. 574-578. Brezeanu, G. (2005) Silicon carbide (SiC): a short history. an analytical approach for SiC power device design. Available at: (Accessed: 7/31/2014 2014). Cowles, A.H. and Cowles, E.H. (1885) Electric Smelting Furnace. U.S. Patent 319945. Cree Inc. (2012) Cree News: Cree Introduces 150-mm 4HN Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Wafers. Available at: (Accessed: 7/28/2014 2014). Davis, A.M. (2011) Stardust in meteorites, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(48), pp. 19142-19146. Dimitrijev, S. and Jamet, P. (2003) Advances in SiC power MOSFET technology, Microelectronics Reliability, 43(2), pp. 225 233. EE-Times (1999) Cree Researchs SiC wafers break $500-price barrier for opto applications | EE Times. Available at: (Accessed: 7/28/2014 2014). Jerome, A. (2005) MIXED REACTANT MOLECULAR SCREEN FUEL CELL. US 2005/0058875 A1. Available at: (Accessed: 21/07/2014). Kuroda, N., Shibahara, K., Yoo, W.S., Nishino, S. and Matsunami, H. (1987) Extended Abstracts of the 19th Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1987. , 227. Matsunami, H., Nishino, S. and Ono, H. (1981) Heteroepitaxial growth of cubic silicon carbide on foreign substrates, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 28(10), pp. 1235 1236. Nikitin, A. and Gogotsi, Y. (2004) Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 7. Valencia, CA: American Scientific Publishers. Presser, V., Heon, M. and Gogotsi, Y. (2011) Carbide-Derived Carbons From Porous Networks to Nanotubes and Graphene, Advanced Functional Materials, 21(5), pp. 810-833. Saddow, S.E. and Agarwal, A. (eds.) (2004) Advances in Silicon Carbide Processing an Applications. Boston: Artech House Inc. Tairov, Y.M. and Tsvetkov, V.F. (1978) Investigation of growth processes of ingots of silicon carbide single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth, 43(2), pp. 209 212. Yushin, G., Hoffman, E.N., Barsoum, M.W., Gogotsi, Y., Howell, C.A., Sandeman, S.R., Phillips, G.J., Lloyd, A.W. and Mikhalovsky, S.V. (2006) Mesoporous carbide-derived carbon with porosity tuned for efficient adsorption of cytokines, Biomaterials, 27(34), pp. 5755 5762. Zou, L., Li, L., Song, H. and Morris, G. (2008) Using mesoporous carbon electrodes for brackish water desalination, Water research, 42(8-9), pp. 2340-2348.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Drip Irrigation and Soil :: Agriculture Agricultural Essays

Drip Irrigation and Soil Introduction Irrigation has had a substantial effect on agricultural history, from its use by Egyptian and Iranian farmers over 2500 years ago through modern agriculture (Troth 1980). The most common irrigation techniques of today are furrow, flood, sprinkler and drip. Furrow and flood both flood the irrigated area, while sprinkler and drip are direct applicators. Drip irrigation is gaining popularity for its efficiency of irrigation. Drip Irrigation Drip, or trickle, irrigation is a process of selective water application. A number of emitters are placed either on or below ground level. Placement of emitters is numerous in order to directly apply water to the crop. A pressurized pipe system supplies the emitters with water which then wets the soil within the root zone. Frequently, fertilizers are also applied using this method. Water efficiency is one of the most important characteristics of this recently developed technique. 90% of applied water is available for crop use (Troth 1980). The constant presence of water in the soil has a positive effect for crops. (Bresler, 1977). Water efficiency also provides for a slower application of water to the soil. The application rate controls infiltration rate which allows for a more uniform wetting in the individual root zone. In furrow and flood irrigation, waterlogging and water fluctuation can cause evaporation losses, plant damage, and erosion (Singer, 1996). Selective application prevents such instances from occurring under drip irrigation. Effects on Soil Irrigation plays a significant role in soil structure. The effects could be either beneficial or harmful to the soil, while separately affecting its short term crop productivity. Long-term damage to the soil, however, will result in decline of soil productivity. Farming techniques which use earth-moving machines can appear effective for crop production, but will eventually damage the topsoil (McLaren, 1990). Erosion Any irrigation will decided role in the structure of a soil. The effects could be either beneficial or harmful to the soil, while separately affecting its short term crop productivity. Long-term damage to the soil, however, will result in decline of soil productivity, and regardless of the initial bountiful harvests crop yield will decrease. For example, farming techniques which use earth-moving machines can appear effective for crop production, but will eventually damage the topsoil which thereby decreases crop productivity (McLaren, 1990). Erosion is a substantial contributor to deterioration of soil quality. Flood and furrow irrigation use a high influx of water to immerse the crop area.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Reasons for Napoleons Defeat :: European Europe History

Reasons for Napoleon's Defeat The Campaign of 1812 should have been a another crusade for Napoleon, but he now faced 2 new policies that he had never faced before, the severe Russian winter and the notorious scorched-earth policy. On June 23, 1812 Napoleon's Grande Armee, over 500,000 men strong, poured over the Russian border. An equal amount of Russian forces awaited them. The result of the campaign was a surprise. Two authors, General carl von Clausewitz and Brett James, show similarities in reasons why Napoleon had lost this campaign to Russia. Napoleon believed that after a few quick victorious battles, he could convince Alexander to return to the Continental System. He also decided that if he occupied Moscow, the Russian government would crumple and ask for peace. " A single blow delivered at the heart of the Russian Empire, at Moscow the Great, at Moscow the Holy, will instantly put this whole blind, apathetic mass at my mercy." pg 6, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia This was his belief he expressed in March 1812. However, when Napoleon eventually took over Moscow, the Tsar still did not surrender. Napoleon, sent a message to the Tsar, demanding a immediate surrender. However, the Tsar could not surrender because if he did, he would be assassinated by the nobles. Clausewitz replies by saying, " Napoleon was unable to grasp the fact that Alexander would not, could not negotiate. The Tsar knew well that he would be disposed and assassinated if he tried so." pg 256, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia General Clausewitz said, "Napoleon believed if he defeated the Russian Army and occupied Moscow, the Russian leadership will fall apart and the government would call for peace." pg 253, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James also agreed that Napoleon's occupation had no result. " The occupation of Napoleon in Moscow did not have a effect on the government." Pg 13, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia With his battle plan set, Napoleon prepared his troops for the attack on Russia. But, Napoleon did not consider the fierce Russian winter which awaited him. According to Ludwig Wilhelm Gottlob Schlosser, a onlooker, he described the army by saying, " The French, down to the lowliest drummer were very fastidious. These poor French devils were not satisfied with less than soup, meat and vegetables, roast, and salad for their midday meal, and there was no sign of their famous frugality. Reasons for Napoleon's Defeat :: European Europe History Reasons for Napoleon's Defeat The Campaign of 1812 should have been a another crusade for Napoleon, but he now faced 2 new policies that he had never faced before, the severe Russian winter and the notorious scorched-earth policy. On June 23, 1812 Napoleon's Grande Armee, over 500,000 men strong, poured over the Russian border. An equal amount of Russian forces awaited them. The result of the campaign was a surprise. Two authors, General carl von Clausewitz and Brett James, show similarities in reasons why Napoleon had lost this campaign to Russia. Napoleon believed that after a few quick victorious battles, he could convince Alexander to return to the Continental System. He also decided that if he occupied Moscow, the Russian government would crumple and ask for peace. " A single blow delivered at the heart of the Russian Empire, at Moscow the Great, at Moscow the Holy, will instantly put this whole blind, apathetic mass at my mercy." pg 6, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia This was his belief he expressed in March 1812. However, when Napoleon eventually took over Moscow, the Tsar still did not surrender. Napoleon, sent a message to the Tsar, demanding a immediate surrender. However, the Tsar could not surrender because if he did, he would be assassinated by the nobles. Clausewitz replies by saying, " Napoleon was unable to grasp the fact that Alexander would not, could not negotiate. The Tsar knew well that he would be disposed and assassinated if he tried so." pg 256, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia General Clausewitz said, "Napoleon believed if he defeated the Russian Army and occupied Moscow, the Russian leadership will fall apart and the government would call for peace." pg 253, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James also agreed that Napoleon's occupation had no result. " The occupation of Napoleon in Moscow did not have a effect on the government." Pg 13, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia With his battle plan set, Napoleon prepared his troops for the attack on Russia. But, Napoleon did not consider the fierce Russian winter which awaited him. According to Ludwig Wilhelm Gottlob Schlosser, a onlooker, he described the army by saying, " The French, down to the lowliest drummer were very fastidious. These poor French devils were not satisfied with less than soup, meat and vegetables, roast, and salad for their midday meal, and there was no sign of their famous frugality.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Political Science Answers Essay

Current world events have hindered the use of Collective Security Principle as various factors such as disease, poverty, natural calamities, terrorism, the use of biological, nuclear, and chemical weapons, and the instability of the world market. (UN, 21-55) 2) No, countries that have no experience in democracy as a form of government will not be successful in using that form of government. Democracy can only work if the constituents are capable and have experience on democracy. It’s simply as different strokes for different folks. 3) Protectionists Policies were created in order to protect, restrict, and regulate trade for a nation’s business and/or companies from foreign entities, unlawful change and risks, flooding a nation’s market with cheaper goods, etc. The use of this policy has caught consumers unawares as they do not seem to notice that the price of commodities would be higher than in other countries. Politics has reared its ugly head into this policy as it might have been confused with imposing policies on a supposedly free trade with other nations and can affect the relationship between those countries that trade with one and the other. 4) Transgovernmentalism will be able to act on all aspects and factors within a country or countries that are under an agreement of trade and commerce as globalization does. Then again the nation’s identity, ideals, and way of life may be immensely affected as there would be a gradual change of transfer of ideas, goods, and even the flow of trade. (Slaughter, Paragragh 7) 5) The bombing of Hiroshima was simply a hasty defense act done by countries that protected the free world as they saw a threat that can damage and affect the harmony and peace of all in the world’s nations.As Hiroshima was a strategic port for army depot and industrial areas. References: Anderson, S. (1997). Unclean Hand: America’s Protectionists Policies. Retrieved May 15, 2008, from http://www. freetrade. org/pubs/freetotrade/chap6. html Slaughter, Anne-Marie (October 2007). The New World Order. Retrieved May 15, 2008, from http://www. princeton. edu/~slaughtr/Articles/RealNewWorldOrderFA. txt United Nations (July 12, 2004). A more secure world: Our shared responsibility. Retrieved May 15, 2008, from www. un. org/secureworld/report2. pdf U. S. State Department. Democracy. Retrieved May 15, 2008, from http://www. state. gov/g/drl/democ/

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reading Among Youth

CABRAL, ALYANNA ANGELINA M. Argumentative Essay Communication I (TFD2) October 16, 2012 Technology and Movies Help in Promoting Reading among the Youth of Today â€Å"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into t he other room and read a book. † (Groucho Marx). Upon reading this quotation from Marx, I felt that he is trying to make technology sound as the mortal nemesis of reading. If I were to choose between watching T. V. and reading a book, I would choose to watch T. V. right away.But if I put more thought into choosing, I would prefer reading a book. I just came to this realization that when I read a book, a novel for example, my mind is free to imagine. If I want to make myself the leading lady in the novel I am reading, and the leading man to be Zac Efron, I could do that. When we read novels, everything in the story is in our favor, but when it comes to the story itself, we cannot change anything. This capability of us to freely ima gine is not present when watching T. V. It is because when watching T. V. , images that we see directly sinks in into our minds.In a soap opera, if you see that the leading man is Jericho Rosales, can you easily replace the leading man with Zac Efron by just using your imagination ? You cannot since the image of Jericho Rosales is stuck in your mind. In a fight between television and reading, obviously, I am now in the side of reading. But it does not mean that I am against technology. People always say that technology took away reading from the youth. But is technology that of a big hindrance to reading? Has technology done nothing to somehow influence the youth into reading?If I compared the youth today from the youth before, I can say that the youth before is more into reading than the youth today. Before, when radio was the only device as the source of entertainment in every household, when only rich people had televisions in their homes, and when average children only peek from the windows of other houses to watch television, reading Filipino comics was the favourite past time of young people. The Pinoy superheroes and famous characters that we know today such as Panday, Darna, Zuma, Dyesebel, and Captain Barbel l came from these comics.These comics were very affordable that even a kid who only has a few coins in his/her pocket as allowance can buy it. When youngsters had finished their comics they rented it to other comic readers. They did not only enjoy reading but they also made profit from it. But those are not the only advantages that comics have on the youth be fore. The common story in Filipino comics before was about losers who became superheroes. These types of comics give young readers that shining hope that someday they will be as admirable as these superheroes.In the modern times, I can say that reading among the youth is indeed lessened but I do think that reading is not dead among us. Youngsters may be very attached with the technology but m any are still interested with reading novels, especially the teenagers. Novels like â€Å"A Walk to Remember†, â€Å"Harry Potter†, â€Å"Percy Jackson and the Olympians† , â€Å"The Hunger Games† and â€Å"The Vampire Diaries† are famous among teenagers. Reading these English novels is beneficial for young readers in terms of vocabulary. They learn new English words through context. Some modern novels also have disadvantages in terms of content.Some novels have contents that may be inappropriate for young readers. The erotic novel â€Å"50 Shades of Grey† and the epistolary novel â€Å"The Perks of Being a Wallflower† have parts that may be too sensual for teenagers. Some novels can also have contents expressing Cabral 2 brutality. The young adult novels like â€Å"The Hunger Games† and â€Å"The Vampire Diaries† have parts in it wherein the piercing of flesh and splashing of blood are explained in clear detail. But it is not only the English novels that are loved by teenagers. They also read books by Filipino writers. One great example of a famous Filipino writer among teenagers is Bob Ong.His works are famous for being humorous. I think that is why teenagers like his books. I have also read one of his books. The one I read was titled â€Å"Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin†. Indeed, the book was humorous—you can tell just by the title and cover of it , but behind that, it has content that criticizes the arts in the Philippines. It suggests that the quality of arts in the Philippines is poor in terms of the movies, songs, and artists that we produce. There were also parts of the book implying that Filipinos are dumb for being too shallow to buy these low-quality movies as suggested in the book.For me, having teenagers read these kinds of books is good for them. It is good for them in a way that at such young age, their eyes are opened to the real problems of our country. I think Bob Ong’ s main purpose is not to make a fool out of Filipinos. I think his purpose was to wake Filipinos up. He wants Filipinos to know their mistakes and the things around them that need correction. That is why I recommend these kinds of books to teenagers since we are the people of tomorrow and as people of tomorrow, it is good that we already know the things that we should fix in ourselves and in our surroundings for a better country.Comics have images in them while novels only have texts. Considering this, I would prefer reading novels than comics. It is because reading without seeing any graphical representation of what you are reading will let you freely imagine and form in your mind your own picture of what you are reading. Contrasting Filipino comics from novels, I would say that Cabral 3 one difference between them is the age group of their readers.Unlike reading today, teenagers before were not the only ones who enjoyed reading comics but children of very young ages were able to e njoy them also since Filipino comics before covered a wide variety of stories and were written in Filipino. Today, kids are not able to enjoy reading as much as teenagers do. It is because kids prefer seeing pictures rather than texts. That is why kids before were able to enjoy comics because it has images in it. Also, most of the children today watch cartoons as their past time. Because of technology, some of the youth of today lost their interest in reading.Aside from technology, another factor why some of the youth today are taken away from reading is that the prices of books today are not very appropriate for young people. Before, Filipino comics were more or less 5 pesos each if you will buy it firsthand. If you will rent it from somebody, it costs about 2 pesos each. Nowadays, teenagers have to save money for months in order to buy a novel. One novel today costs more or less 300 pesos. Because of this, not all young people have access to these kinds of books. Despite that fact , many teenagers, who are avid readers, still find means to gain access to the novels they like to read.They may try to borrow books from their friends. They may also download e -books from the internet —and this is where the advantage of technology in reading comes in. Technology may have lessened reading in the modern times, but we cannot deny that it also helped young people to access any novel they like to read. Nowadays, teenagers have e book readers in their phones wherein they can read the ir downloaded e-books. If you do not have an e-book reader, you could just search for the pdf forms of the novels you like on the internet and then download it through different file sharing sites.These methods make reading more convenient and affordable for teenagers. Through downloading e -books and pdf files, they do not Cabral 4 have to spend money to be able to read novels. With just one click in their phones, t hey could read novels whenever and wherever since novels are stored in their phones. Aside from technology, another thing that made teenagers closer to reading is moviebased novels. Before, stories in Filipino comics that became very famous were made into movies. This trend before can also be observed today. As far as I know, this trend started with â€Å"Harry Potter† which is a series of fantasy novels.Every novel in this series was made into a movie and every movie turned into a success. The same goes for â€Å"Twilight† which is a series of vampire-themed fantasy romance novels. These kinds of movies are famous among teenagers nowadays. As to what I have observed, fans of a typical novel-based movie are divided into two: those who have read the novel before watching the movie and those who became fans upon watching the movie. Because of these kinds of movies, teenagers who are non-readers of novels suddenly become interested in reading.The fact that novel-based movies are often in series also helped in promoting reading among non- readers. Let us take the Twilight series as an example. When non-readers watch the movie â€Å"Twilight†, which is based from the first novel in the series, and they liked it, they w ill be enticed to read the book itself. They will continue to read up to the fourth book which is â€Å"Breaking Dawn† because they will be eager to know about the happenings in the succeeding novels in the series. So, it turns out that technology is not a nemesis of reading after all.Actually, it helps to promote reading by rendering the youth free access to their favourite novels via e-book. Despite that fact, we cannot deny that reading from a book is still better than reading from an e -book. Scrolling an e-book from your phone or tablet is nothing compared with flipping the crisp pages Cabral 5 of a book. What is important is that there are still many youth today who appreciate the greatness of reading a book. They do not only give importance to the knowledge they can get from reading , but they also appreciate the beauty of it and the fulfilment of reading wonderful stories. Cabral 6

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis of Wallace Stevens’ “On Modern Poetry” Essay

There is something to be said for a man who can look deeply into his profession and define exactly what is that he does. The deaths of many men have passed without a definition of their lives, or a true understanding of what they do. In his poem â€Å"On Modern Poetry,† Wallace Stevens attempts to define his life’s work and his passion. To a poet â€Å"On Modern Poetry† serves as both a guidebook and a wonderful example of what makes poetics an amazing art. Stevens uses his talent to explain his talent, taking the reader on a wonderful journey through the process of poem creation, and through the human mind. The aforementioned guidelines that Wallace details in â€Å"On Modern Poetry† are dead on and may have shaped the way that poems are created to this day. He captured the true essence of poetics while allowing the reader to continue doing their job, using their mind and their imagination. Stevens weaves a visual path through the job description of a poe m and leaves the reader wondering what is said, and how to take it. Read more: Good country people shmoop  essay The journey of poem writing is a perplexing one, especially in the area of method. When Wallace Stevens opens â€Å"On Modern Poetry† with the line: â€Å"The poem of the mind in the act of finding/What will suffice† (ll. 1-2). He is detailing the struggle to find the right word, the right scheme, or the right time for change. He then follows with: â€Å"It has not always had/To find: the scene was set; it repeated what/Was in the script† (ll. 2-4). This is in reference to change and the modernist/imagist view of poetry in the past. This could be taken as a derogatory comment to the simplicity and complacency of past poetry. Regardless, I tend to take it as a comment on the overall state of poetry, a look at the past, but a welcoming of the state of current poetry. The first stanza of the poem simply details the struggles of a changing genre, and uses descriptive diction to do that. One great thing about a poem is that it leaves room for thought, for personal development, and for individual interpretation. Not only does â€Å"On Modern Poetry† do those things, but it also tells the reader to do them. â€Å"A metaphysician in the dark, twanging/An instrument, twanging a wiry string that gives/Sounds passing through a sudden rightnesses, wholly/Containing the mind†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (ll. 20-23). The lines in themselves are perplexing and leave plenty of room for interpretation. But what a reader comes to conclude is  that Stevens is suggesting that a poem buries itself within the human mind and plants a seed. The poem acts as a seed to thought, and it exercises the mind on a regular basis. A good poem is one that makes the reader think, and not just about the words, but about themselves and about their mind. The idea of a poem as a performer, be it an actor in a play, or a musician playing an instrument, or a metaphysician playing an instrument is one of particular interest. Stevens uses the metaphor throughout the poem and does so quite well. The duality of the performer as the poet allows for a wide range of comparison and gives way to a multitude of metaphors. In the following lines Stevens uses the idea of a actor on stage to present the depth of a poems words: â€Å"†¦speak words that in the ear, In the delicatest ear of the mind, repeat, Exactly, that which it wants to hear, at the sound Of which, and invisible audience listens, Not to the play, but to itself, expressed In an emotion as of two people, as of two Emotions becoming one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (ll. 13-19). The lines represent the idea that a poem must cross over from reality to a level that talks to the reader and allows them to listen to their thoughts and not just the poem. The poem becomes simply a vehicle for the human mind; it opens doors and allows the reader to read about themselves. When Stevens enters the second stanza he begins to give his guidelines for modern poetry: â€Å"It has to be living, to learn the speech of the place. It has to face the men of the time and to meet The women of the time. It has to think about war And it has to find what will suffice† (ll. 7-10). The lines in themselves are quite simple, in their original form. They provide simple rules, but rules that were fairly modern during this time. The idea of including the meeting of women provides a fairly modern concept in concern to women’s rights and public recognition. Poems have always been concerned with war, or with human suffering, but the modern idea of thinking of war provides an example of being both positive and tragic. The past hundred years had been fairly rose-colored, but beginning in the 1930’s America took a turn for the worse and thus provided a reason to consider human tragedy. For a poem to be living and to learn the speech of the place simply means it must me modern, or current. The final four lines are more intriguing and seem more complex than all of the previous lines. They seem to be putting into action the ideas of the poem so far. He gives examples of what things would work as â€Å"modern poetry†. Modern poetry must find satisfaction, and some ways in which that may be achieved is through the discussion of a man skating or of a woman dancing or combing her hair. These things must exercise the mind though. Modern poems cannot simply describe the action, but must look beyond the action, from the subject, to the writer, to the reader. While I cannot claim to fully understand Stevens’ view of modern poetry, I feel that through his poem I can form some conclusions about his beliefs. Wallace Stevens was not a highly renowned scholar, but he did have an understanding of what he was writing. He could describe his work, and he could put it on paper for others to see. As a student now finally gaining a respect for poetry it is nice to see what a poem writer thinks about his job. It is amazing to see that a poem can be made of any topic, and maybe  that provides another point in the description of poetry. In a 28-line poem Wallace succeeds in providing a guidebook in the writing of good poetry, and gives the reader a lot to think about. But, as Wallace says himself, â€Å"The poem of the act of the mind† (l. 28).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Psychology and Health Issues

Psychology and Health Issues: Stress By: Kimberley Messina HCA/250 Have you ever heard of the term â€Å"fight-or-flight† stress response? You will feel this when you have more to worry about and handle then you are used to, or simply, when you are stressed. When your body is going through the fight-or-flight stress response, your body will make more hormones that will speed up your heart rate, give you a burst of energy, and make you breathe faster than normal (Healthwise, 2009). There are times when a little bit of stress could be useful, such as if you need to react quickly or if you need to work harder on something.For example, If you are trying to win a race or finish any work that is important on time. When you have stress that lasts for a long time or if you have stress too often, then your body will most likely have a bad effect from stress. When you are overly stressed, you can experience headaches, back pain, sleeping issues, and an upset stomach. Furthermore, stress can lower your immune system which will make it harder for your body to fight off the disease. With people who have existing medical problems, stress can make your problem worse. Stress has been known to make a person moody, depressed, and tense.This has caused many people to not do as well with their school or job, as well as having their personal relationships suffer. The mind and the body are connected, which means that stress will impact a person’s psychological health just as much as their physical health. Stress can impair your thought process, mental exhaustion, and can cause depression, psychoses, and some neuroses. You will feel pressured, overwhelmed, anxiety, irritability, nervousness, insecurity, and can have panic attacks, social withdrawal, and migraines (Healthwise, 2009).When your psychological health becomes affected by stress, it can affect anything that you are doing, such as your job, parenting, and school work. As we mentioned earlier, stress can be bene ficial if it is a small amount, this goes for your psychological health as well. It can have a positive affect on your motivation, reaction to your environment, and your adaptation. There are many psychology education programs that can help you identify your major stressors and help you manage any stress.One in particularly is called the Worksite Wellness Program, which is a site that was provided from my workplace. This website provides information on how to set up different activities and offers some guidelines on how to create some supportive policies and environments that revolve around stress management (). Within the website you can answer stress management questionnaires that can help employees assess their personal listening skills and their ability to handle stress. They also have handout notes that explain the workplace demands of the employees.Furthermore, there is an evaluation you can take within the website that will allow you to identify whether or not your worksite i s ergonomically suitable so that you can reduce any risks for repetitive motion strains. Finally, the website my job offers has handouts that you can print that will help the employees learn how to manage their stress at home and within the workplace. There are many psychological health issues when it comes to stress, as I have mentioned above. The major psychological health issue with stress would have to be its ability to mentally impair you.What I mean by this is that when you are under an unhealthy amount of stress, it will negatively affect the way you think and act. Our lives are made up of many decisions that we must make, and when under this amount of stress, it can become difficult to think clearly and make the better choice. This is because when a person is stressed, it changes the brain and causes them to have an addiction, anxiety, or depression. Stress affects many different individuals and groups and according to the American Psychological Association, the top three ca uses of stress is due to the economy, work, and money.The developmental, social-cultural, and gender factors all impact stress. Developmental traits such as any behavior towards children that is abusive can cause them to have long-term abnormalities in the hypothalamus-pituitary system, which is what regulates your stress (UMMC, 2011). Also, children face stressors throughout school, whether it is bullying, peer pressure, and tests for classes. Personality traits could also impact stress. There are people who tend to over-respond to stressful situations, which will cause them to stress more than they should.Older adults’ response system to stress becomes more difficult. The older a person becomes will impact their stress because they have to worry about higher risks for medical problems, the loss of a spouse or friends, and financial stressors (UMMC, 2011). Women, especially working mothers, will face higher stress levels because they carry a heavier load of stress than men a nd other women. They are also at risk for more medical problems due to having a child. Divorced or widowed people tend to have more stress than people who are married. They also tend to live shorter lives overall.Furthermore, people who are isolated or lonely, are targeted for sexual or racial discrimination, and experiencing a financial strain are impacted by stress much more then other people. There are a many risk factors related to stress. Some can be controlled while others cannot. You can control some situations to avoid stress such as looking for better ways to manage your time so you can get more tasks completed without feeling pressure. Also, you can try out new ways of thinking such as stopping the worry thoughts and letting go of the things you cannot change (UMMC).Taking good care of yourself such as getting enough rest and eating well can help avoid stress because you feel better throughout your day. Finally, speak up and talk about your needs and concerns because it ca n cause stress if you do not. The stressors that can not be controlled are events such as a car accident or another traumatic event, and a serious biological illness. There is no cure for stress, but there are treatment options to help you manage your stress. You can have self-care in your own home or take medical treatments.Self-care in your own home would consist of removing yourself from the stressful situation or address it, regular exercise, healthy diet and nutrition habits, meditate, acupuncture, and creating social support for yourself. Furthermore, you can also write in a journal, make a hobby for yourself, and express how you are feeling with someone you trust. It is good to laugh, cry, talk, and even express your anger in healthy ways. There are medical treatments depending on the different types of symptoms you are experiencing and how severe these symptoms are.You can receive counseling by mental health professionals and medical intervention for any of the physical prob lems that are discovered (Melissa, 11/25/12). There are a few health promotion strategies to address stress. Educating yourself is the first step in promoting good health against stress. Having the knowledge on how to handle stress when it comes your way is a good way to prepare you on how to react when it happens. When a person becomes stressed, most of the time they react in a negative way, which makes things worse.Knowing how to relax and get a grasp on the situation will help you better control your emotions and make better decisions. The next step would be to make lifestyle changes. These lifestyle changes will consist of exercise, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and using relaxation or other alternative techniques such as herbal or natural remedies (HPI, 2012). Exercise is a great stress management technique that distracts you from the stressful event and balances out the negative affect that stress takes on your body. You can do aerobics, take walks, go swimming, and take yoga, or tai chi.There are many options to choose from and all you have to do is pick one. Cognitive-behavioral therapy will help you identify the source of your stress, reconstruct your priorities, change your response to stress, and find different methods that will allow you to manage and avoid stress. Relaxation or other alternative techniques can lower your blood pressure, respiration, and pulse, and release muscle tension and emotional strain (HPI, 2012). These techniques would include going for a massage, meditating, acupuncture, listening to music, going on vacation, and hypnosis.Herbal and natural remedies such as aromatherapy and valerian can help with your anxiety and overall stress. All herbal and natural remedies should be talked with your doctor first. Throughout this paper, I have provided an overview of stress and how psychology plays a role with it. Then I reviewed a current psychology education program called the Worksite Wellness Program that was provided from my employ ment. After that, I discussed the risk factors that can be controlled as well as how to control them, and which factors that couldn’t be controlled.Next, I discussed how developmental, socio-cultural, and gender factors impact stress. Then, I talked about the treatment options that are available to the public as well as the promotion strategies to address stress. Finally, I provided information on the lifestyle changes that people will need to enhance their health and methods to prevent stress. References: Healthwise. (October 14, 2009). Stress Management: Topic Overview. WebMD. Retrieved on November 21, 2012. From http://www. webmd. com/balance/stress-management/stress-management-topic-overview. UMMC. (2011). Stress- Risk Factors.University of Maryland Medical Center. Retrieved on November 21, 2012. From http://www. umm. edu/patiented/articles/who_at_risk_chronic_stress_or_stress-related_diseases_000031_6. htm. Melissa Conrad Stoppler. (November 25, 2012). Stress. eMedicine Health. Retrieved on November 22, 2012. From http://www. emedicinehealth. com/stress/page6_em. htm. Health Promotion International. (2012). Lifestyle, stress and work: Strategies for health promotion. Oxford Journals. Retrieved on November 22, 2012. From http://heapro. oxfordjournals. org/content/1/3/363. abstract. [pic]

Business Environment Fonterra Co-Operative- Samples for Students

Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited is one of the leading dairy cooperatives in the world with its roots in New Zealand. The pany was established in the year 2001 through the merging two New Zealand's dairy section players; Kiwi Cooperative Dairies and the New Zealand Dairy Group. Currently, the pany takes a share of about 30% of the total world’s dairy exports and is now the biggest pany in New Zealand. Therefore, its existence in the country has positively impacted on the economy of New Zealand employing millions of the people to work in the pany ("Home," n.d.). Fonterra operates in an international context and has many subsidiaries in the world. The primary business of Fonterra is to collect, manufacture and sell milk and milk-products in the market. It also handles fast moving consumer goods (abbreviated as FMCG), together with the food service business where it has employed many professionals for restaurants and bakeries. Therefore, the pany sells its products directly to the consumers and also provides some out-of -home food service in various parts of the world. Besides, the organization has also partnered with many food panies where it supplies them with dairy products. The pany has established five segments through which it operates. Each segment has its various activities of operation that work together to form the plete organization. The first part of Fonterra is the Global Ingredients and Operations (GIO), which deals in processing and production of milk and milk products together with marketing these products. The second segment is the Oceania, which specializes in the consumer goods in New Zealand ("Home," n.d.). The third section is the Greater China which operates in China dealing FMCG, food service and farming businesses mostly in the region of the greater China. Also, there is a segment called Oceania, handling the pany's business in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Lastly, there a section called Latin America serving the Caribbean and South America. It handles the FMCG and it ingredients businesses. Fayol’s management principles of division of work, centralization and remuneration can be applied to the operation of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited for effectiveness. The performance of Fonterra is greatly attributed to the management decisions (Brunsson, 2008). Firstly, principle of division of work is important; where the work load is divided among employees or various groups of employees to ensure they are the focus and concentrate on one task. In as much as Fonterra has shown efforts of embracing division of work, there is need to do more about it. The pany can divide its operation task and then mandate its various segments to deal in these portions of work. This likely to help employees increase specialization which in turn improve their productivity (Cran, 2016). Also, the degree of centralization is another principle of management that Fayol suggested that it needs to be considered. Depending on the size of the pany, there should be efforts to balance management and decision making (Van, 2009).  Organizations should strive to maintain this balance for effectiveness. Fonterra has centralization in its structure and a lot of decision making authority lies on the senior management staff in the pany. The organization should make efforts to ensure that the balance in decision making is attained (Angelo & Ricky, 2009). Besides, Fayol discussed remuneration is one of the key aspects of successful management. Employees need sufficient pensation both financial and non-financial. Remuneration contributes to the satisfaction of the employees thus increasing their motivation (McLean, 2011). The pany should consider various factors in determining the remuneration of the workers. These factors include the cost of living, the general business conditions and the business success among many other aspects. Sufficient remuneration package will motivate the employees, reduce their financial stress and thus increase their productivity in the organization thus it should never be under looked at any point (Almashaqba&Nemer, 2010). Every pany has its own culture, which defines the way an organization does things.The corporate culture entails various areas such as the pany’s expectations, its experiences, the philosophy and the values that guide the organization’s working and its general operation. It is based on a shared belief of the team that is expected to help it perform better. The business leaders are usually responsible for formulating the culture and municating at the workplace (Tsai, 2011). Regarding the Fonterra's culture, the organization founded on a mission of working towards being the leader in the provision of dairy products all over the world, and positioning its products and services above all similar products on the globe (The Tipster, 2013).The organization is driven by a vision statement of sharing the natural source of proteins to the world by reaching the every person, everywhere and every day. The pany operates on values to enable them to bine personal strengths with those of others to Fonterra stronger, better more innovative (Costanza et al., 2015).Therefore, the vision, mission and value statements have played a major role in municating the culture of the pany. Also, Fonterra runs on a cooperative philosophy which has been incorporated into the organizational culture. Some of these philosophies include the restriction that shares in Fonterra Group can only be held the supplying shareholders who agree to a dual mitment to supply milk and invest their capital to the business (Kleinbaum, 2013).  The supplying parties must also own shares in the co-operative and also shares the financial benefits proportionally according to the shares they hold in the co-operative. The management control of Fonterra is controlled by the supplying shareholders who elect through voting. Fonterra maintains the culture of mutual benefit and sustainability and the transparency in the transactions of the pany. This culture governs Fonterra and has the power of control on the way things are done at Fonterra (Boddy, 2011). Fonterra operates in a business context just like any other business. The operation, decision and moves of the pany are influenced by the corporate environment in which the business operates. It is important to establish both the macro and micro environment in which the business operates. The macro business environment of Fonterra can be analyzed using PESTLE analysis which covers all contextual factors that affect the pany. PESTLE is an abbreviation for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors (Steven & Britt, 2008). Politically, the decisions and operations of Fonterra are influenced by the politics of the countries in which it carries out business. In some cases, the pany experiences restrictions of trademarks, labeling actions, bio-diversity and quota's arguments. Regarding economic factors, Fonterra experiences influence in its operations due to these factors. They usually e from the economic state of the world, variations in foreign currency and also the changing demands for dairy products (Michael, 2008).  These economic factors mainly cause general economic effects in the world. Socially, there is a rapid increase in the dairy needs in the world consumer markets. Thus, Fonterra is currently enjoying the social effects of the growth in nutrition demands (Charles, 2012). Fonterra’s environment is also affected by the technological factors. New technologies that affect the operation of the pany are ing to the market, and Fonterra has to adopt them. Some of these technologies include the technology for cooling, heating and also transportation. Environmental factors also affect the operation of the pany. The atmospheric conditions of New Zealand vary a lot like increased greenhouse effect, and this affects the performance of his dairy pany. Besides, the existing legal systems affect the operation of Fonterra in the market. Some policies and regulations influence the operation of the business such permissions or restrictions to conduct certain businesses (Hamlin, 2015). Also, there are various legal structures that exist regarding the legal rights of the employees, the farmers and other people living in the system. Apart from the macro environmental factors, Fonterra is also affected by the micro environmental factors. These are factors that exist internally within the organization such as their leadership and other in house aspects of Fonterra. The pany has experienced a fall in the share of the milk products in New Zealand market due to tight petition in the industry, and this has affected the operation of this organization. Also, the demand for milk products is not easily predicted and thus affects Fonterra's business. These internal factors among others have influenced the performance of the organization (Philip& Gary, 2014). As a summary, managing a business organization entails many aspects for consideration. The success of a given business enterprise is greatly attributed to its management. Fonterra, just like other business organizations in the world, has dedicated itself to deliver the milk, milk products, and food service to people all over the world. The pany has an established management structure in place which guides its operation. Various Fayal's theories can be applied to the process of Fonterra. The organization has adopted a mechanistic governance structure and therefore,it employs most of the Fayal’s principles. Some of these theoretical principles include centralization where the organization has a hierarchical management structure, the division of work and specialization where employees are the workers are assigned specific tasks for a long time for mastery. Fonterra also emphasizes on Fayal's principle which emphasizes on the remuneration of the employees. The organization has a culture in place that dictates its operation. Formulation and adoption are cultures a responsibility resting upon the management of this business enterprise. The pany has its mission, vision, values, and principles laid in place. This aspect of the corporate culture dictates the way Fonterra runs its business. Also as a summary, Fonterra is also influenced by the macro environment (factors outside the business organization) and micro environmental factors (those from within the pany). An understanding of both the internal and external business environment is important for the management of the organization that helps it for its success. Fonterra has the potential of sustaining its top position for a long time. The pany needs to put in place appropriate management strategies to ensure that the profitability of the organization increases continuously. The management should concentrate on reaching many customers around the globe for its growth. One of the best strategies to achieve this is through partnering with various food and nutrition organizations. The partnership will increase the volume sales of Fonterra's products and services improve the brand name and reach more customers. Fonterra should expand its efforts to target the global market. This increases diversification of the market thus increasing profitability and its general sustainability (Teixeira et al., 2012). Organizational culture is also a critical tool that the management team of Fonterra can adopt for effectiveness. Culture is a robust element that has control on the operation of the pany, either positively or negatively. Fonterra should capitalize on the power of corporate culture through formulation, policies, and procedures that can be useful for the performance of the pany. Internal culture will guide employees on the expectations of the pany and also help manage successions when one employee leaves the pany. Therefore, there is need to identify all important aspects necessary for the success of Fonterra and then municate them effectively to people (Cameron, 2014). Besides, Fonterra's management must consider adopting appropriate marketing strategies for the organization. The Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) strategies are effective in the management and the success of the pany. Fonterra's management has shown efforts to embrace STP strategies. However, the pany needs to do more about this. Firstly, Fonterra should segment its market further depending on various factors or characteristics of the available market. The pany can divide the market based on various aspects such as their consumption patterns, the purchase ability, their geographical location, their age and many other issues. This is necessary for successful management. It is also r mended that the management team of Fonterra should also consider targeting the segmented groups of customers. The pany should produce the milk products that suit the characteristics of these specific groups of people. For example, the milk products should be packaged into smaller quantities that suit the suits consumers with lower purchase ability. Also, the pany should continue positioning its products and services in the market above many others to ensure that the brand name stays top in the market. bining these management strategies is likely to help increase the profitability of the organization thus giving it a petitive advantage over other players in the environment. This is likely to increase its sustainability and ensure it remains a top player in the dairy market Almashaqba, Z. &Nemer A., (2010). "The Classical Theory of Organization and its Relevance." International Research Journal of Finance & Economics. 41: 60–67. Angelo S. & Ricky G. (2009). Human Resources Management, Biztantra Publication, New Delhi 2nd edition. Boddy, R. (2011).  Corporate Psychopaths: Organizational Destroyers, Palgrave Macmillan Brunsson, K. (2008). "Some Effects of Fayolism." International Studies Of Management & Organization.  38  (1): 30–47. Cameron, B. (2014). Management. Strategic Leadership Review, pp. 22-27. Charles L. (2012). Essentials of Marketing (7e ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Costanza, David P., Nikki B., Meredith R., Jamie B., and Arwen H. (2015). â€Å"The Effect of Adaptive Organizational Culture on Long-Term Survival.†Ã‚  J Bus Psychology Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-21. Web. Cran, C.,  (2016). The Art of Change Leadership: Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World,  Wiley, Hoboken, N.J.   pp. 174–75 Hamlin, R. (2015).  "Niche Marketing and Farm Diversification Processes: Insights From New Zealand And Canada." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.fonterra /nz/en.html Kleinbaum, A. (2013).  Creating a Culture of Profitability, Probabilistic Publishing,  ISBN  978-0964793897   McLean, J. (2011). "Fayol-Standing the test of time".  British Journal of Administrative Management  (74): 32–33. Michael J., et al. (2008).  Organizational munication Perspectives and Trends  (4th Ed.). Sage Publications. Philip K. & Gary A, (2014).  Principles of Marketing,  Pearson Steven M. & Britt, W. (2008).  Organizational Psychology, A Scientist-Practitioner Approach, John Wiley & Sons,  ISBN  978-0-470-10976-2. Teixeira, R., Koufteros, X. &Peng, D. (2012).  "Organizational Structure, Integration, and Manufacturing Performance: a Conceptual Model and Propositions." Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management.  5  (1): 69–81. The Tipster. (2013). â€Å"4 Types of Organizational Culture.† Arts FWD. 31 st July 2017. Retrieved from Tsai, Y. (2011). "Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior, and Job Satisfaction." 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Friday, September 13, 2019

Macroeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Macroeconomics - Essay Example We begin by defining fiscal policy and monetary policy. The study later provides a description of the IS/LM model in section 3 and finally, an explanation of the crowding out effect using the IS/LM model. The last part of the paper will relate the crowding out effect to the real world particularly the UK as the Bank of England uses it as a fiscal policy tool. Fiscal policy refers to a situation whereby the government restores equilibrium in the economy by making changes to taxes or government expenditure on public goods and services (Smullen and Hand, 2005). When there is under-utilisation of capacity, the government can increase capacity utilisation by reducing taxes (that is through a reduction in tax rates or tax base) or by increasing spending on public goods and services as well as subsidising the production of certain goods and services (Smullen and Hand, 2005; Visser, 2004) Fiscal policy aimed at increasing money supply is referred to as easy fiscal policy (Smullen and Hand 2005). On the other hand, when there is over-utilisation of capacity, the government either increases taxes (through and increase in tax rates or tax bases) or reduces spending on public goods and services (Black 2002). It also reduces subsidies and transfer payments. This type of fiscal policy is referred to as tight fiscal policy (Black 2002). Monetary policy is referred to as a means by which the central bank tries to sway the economy to equilibrium by influencing the supply of money (Black 2002). This is achieved through four main approaches, which include: printing more money; direct controls over money held by the money sector; open market operations and influencing the interest rate. Both tight and easy monetary policies can also be identified. Like easy fiscal policy, easy monetary policy is one whereby the central bank embarks on a policy to increase the supply of money. On the other

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A strategic pretext for Knowledge- Michael Zack Essay

A strategic pretext for Knowledge- Michael Zack - Essay Example Zack firmly holds his stance when he says that proper & timely ‘knowledge management’ is essential for the successful implementation of a strategy, & henceforth essential for the growth & survival of any organization. He demarcates instances when organizations have accepted & attempted to use the notion of ‘knowledge management’, but failed due to the mismanagement in the ‘procedure of usage’. In this discourse, he dives in to explain the procedures of a successful usage of this unique strategical technique. The writer gives a set of guidelines, norms, decorums & procedure, through which this notion can be materialized from theory to practicality (Zack, n.d., pp.1-2). The author begins with a concise appraisal of traditional strategy & how these concepts can be extended to knowledge as a strategic foundation. The writer denotes that his primary objective is to provide a framework for initiating & facilitating dialogue among strategic managers & KM practitioners concerning the exact strategic function of knowledge. Zack creatively divides the notion of strategy in to four parts: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, & threats (Zack, n.d, pp.1-2). He calls the quartet by name of SWOT by adding up the abbreviations of all the words. This uniqueness of the Zack’s evaluation makes the notion of KM even more interesting a topic to delve in. Zack emphasizes by saying that a SWOT analysis discovers a firm’s strengths & weaknesses in relation to the opportunities & threats of its existing environment. The discourse advices firms to take strategic actions to restore strengths, counterbalance weaknesses, avert threats & capitalize on opportuni ties. For Zack, proper strategical notions are the perfect balancing acts which could rescue a company from the jaws of annihilation (Zack, n.d, pp.1-2). Zack suggests division of the SWOT framework in to two